Breaking the cycle of inefficient data

Data and technology are vital to creating the world we want to live in. Voter turnout universes. Community demographics. Funding strategies. Advancing issues that impact us all.

These goals all rely on high-quality and easy-to-access data.

But building and managing data infrastructure is time-consuming, difficult, and expensive. And most systems aren’t created with nonprofits and progressive groups in mind.

That’s why Community Tech Alliance was founded: To break the cycle of expensive data systems that get rebuilt year after year. Or data systems held together with duct tape.

Our mission is to efficiently and effectively provide and maintain data systems designed for the needs — and budgets — of social good organizations.

Founded in 2021 as a nonprofit, our team of progressive technologists and strategists provides data infrastructure building blocks to the progressive ecosystem at low or no cost.

There’s no catch: We’re here to break the cycle of time-intensive patchwork solutions that get rebuilt year after year. By providing data infrastructure like a public utility, we can help organizations focus their time and resources on using data to make an impact.

More about our Mission

  • The 5 Common Data Problems

    And how we’re helping our partners solve for them.

  • Reflecting on 1 Year of Kind Tech

    Building a different approach to data utility in the progressive ecosystem.

  • Building Out in the Open: Our Appoach

    Cautiously optimistic about the future of AI and its impact on movement tech.

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